Cleaning Professionals that Care for School, Students & Teachers
We have over 40 years of experience in cleaning private and public, schools, universities, preschools and daycare. We know from our clients how important a bright, clean property is to everyone who interacts with it. It affects morale, creates a place of pride and accomplishment, attracts prospective teachers and students, and serves as the visual foundation of every student's day.
Quality cleaning services can really make a difference in many lives each day, and that's what we bring to the table.
School Cleaning & Janitorial Services
Entrances, Entrance Ways, Lobby
Classrooms, Offices, Faculty Lounge,Trailers
Library, Music Room, Gym, Cafeteria
Restrooms, Stairwells, Landings
Outdoor Patrol with Trash Pickup & Graffiti Removal
Deep Cleaning in Summer & on Breaks
Electrostatic Disinfection
Safe, Screened, Consistent Employees on School Property
There's a reason why our school cleaning professionals are loved by their management, teachers and students. It's not just the friendly faces and the long term relationships they build with their school.
In order to ensure our employees always meet your standards, we invest in them by providing on-going training from the latest cleaning techniques and products to customer service and project management.
Our team's hearts and work ethic are driven by our company's common values: Trustworthy. Empathy. Attention to detail. Make a Way to Yes! and Speak Up.
Professional Teams. Right Where You Are.
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